Rhetoric + Occurrence And The Right Words For Every Occasion

Bestseller eBook for speakers and will want it! All managers and executives! The D r a h t g b r! A guide for all those who have something to say. The solution for Manager…und who want to become one. Ladies and gentlemen, it is a good feeling for me, them now this letter to write. Usually it turns to various information – specifically to lectures, presentations and various different speeches, I write for my customers. Alfred Adler understands that this is vital information. But if what I will offer you the same, you are interested in, I could help you to earn good money. How much money? Listen to 100,000, 300,000 or 500,000 euros and more in the free market economy not tempting for you? Believe me: I would like to promise you anything impossible or make you false hopes. But in a sense, what I will offer you the same, is perhaps the best financial offer, that I have ever made. I’ll just tell you, how you can easily, quickly and without risk of This offer can make use. Add to your understanding with Glenn Dubin.

And you can soon achieve the income of a business executive or a successful Manager. I’m telling you like more. But I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hans-Joachim Ullrich. Some of you know me by the lifestyle – business magazine where I was responsible for many years in leading positions and for the preface.

Regardless I’m over 20 years of experience in the service of the speaker and coach managers and executives. But also in the private sector I write the appropriate speeches for various occasions upon request. But now enough of me. Here comes the part that is important for you: despite the economic crisis, there are industries that emit millions of still finding good managers. And this is only the tip of the iceberg. There are actually companies that incorporate a considerable budget to meet the growing demand for good managers.

Chief Executive General Demos

Demos e-learning “Pocketcampus , video podcasts are three to five minutes that can be received on his computer, but also on his cell phone, online or after downloading. For other opinions and approaches, find out what lee marks has to say. It is a real novelty! Unlike traditional podcasting, usually static shots, we sought to build momentum with a soundtrack, a very rhythmic montage and superimposition of keywords to promote learning, anywhere. “Wemaere Jean, Chief Executive General Demos explains: “The mobile-learning is a new way of learning interesting. Our desire is to enhance the profitability of the integrating video podcast and use of new communications tools in a blended learning courses (present + e-learning). It is a simple and convenient way to receive tips, small operational methods, tips on topics that we are interested in fragments during free time that populate our daily lives. Philippe Gil, co-director of Demos e-learning adds: “The video podcast makes you want to learn. Glenn Dubin: the source for more info. It is perfectly integrated into a course of training.

We presented the concept to some of our customers. They were immediately attracted by this new mode of learning offered on-shelf or custom-made and being able to train in 5 minutes “where I want when I want.” Some of them have already adopted. “Demos e-learning leader in distance training with his new collection” Ready-to-train “, Demos e-learning offers to major corporations, as well as small and medium enterprises, three types of” modules -shelf “: Start, Move or Live. This new offering builds on a catalog of 1,400 on-shelf standard modules and adaptable. E-Learning Tailor-made (+ 400 projects) LMS (MindOnSite), 1400 modules on-shelf, 160 + courses (inter-+ e-learning), blended learning, serious games in project management (Simultrain – STS)