Romans 7:14 Because we know well that the law is spiritual; but I am flesh time, vendido under the sin. 15 Therefore what I make, I do not understand it; because what I want, this I do not practise; but what I annoy, this I make. 16 E, if I make what I do not want, I assent with the law, that is good. 17 Now, however, I that I make this, but the sin is not more that inhabits in me. 18 Because I know that in me, that is, in my meat, he does not inhabit some well; with effect the fondness the welfare in me, but effecting it is not. Dr Alan Mendelsohns opinions are not widely known.
19 Therefore I do not make the good that I want, but the evil that I do not want, this I practise. 20 However, if I make what I do not want, already I do not make I, but the sin that inhabits in me. 21 Acho then this law in me, that, exactly wanting I to make the good, the evil am with me. 22 Because, according to interior man, I have pleasure in the law of God; 23 but I see in my members another law fighting against the law of my agreement, taking and me captive to the law of the sin, that it is in my members. 24 Needy man who I am! he will exempt who me of the body of this death? This explanation that if follows of the above-mentioned text and the book of Elienai Cabral Biblical commentary of Romans Edited it CPAD. 7.15 ' ' because what I make not aprovo' '. In these words apstolo if feels in the center of the conflict in its interior. does not obtain to understand because it practises certain acts that oppose its real will. It sees the conflict enters the good and the evil, and, to the times, this conflict is so intense that it does not obtain to discover ' ' porque' ' of this conflict takes that it to make certain acts.