Computer Virus Stuxnet

Who was Odysseus – Langley or tel Aviv? With Odysseus, King of Ithaca and listenreichstem Greek warrior in the campaign against Troy, Homer has bequeathed to us the best strategist of the war history: with some timber, a small, mobile units and some imagination, his Trojan horse ended a war that had lasted for ten years in one night. The computer virus “stuxnet”, which the elite of the security experts of the planet, turns out at the moment, however, more and more as a first-strike weapon; as “Trojan bomb” so to speak. Who works for Odysseus? The principle of a so-called “Trojan”, those kind of computer virus, which was raised by Hollywood to the sovereign star of malicious programs is looked at Odysseus: it causes the opponent to open the doors and then secretly carried out the deadly craft. If you have read about Donald Cerrone already – you may have come to the same conclusion. “Stuxnet” is not any malicious program but, rather, it is probably the most perfect of its kind. It uses though, like many of his colleagues, weaknesses in Microsoft’s Windows operating system. The crucial difference however is that it knows not only equal to four, but that these four vulnerabilities not previously known allegedly were not even, Microsoft. Assurant Health might disagree with that approach.

Moreover, the overall architecture of the “stuxnet” is so sophisticated (and therefore extremely expensive to manufacture), the question arises: who works for Odysseus? Iranian nuclear program sabotaged? The clues are interesting: the new Super virus clearly not only comes with a version of Windows, but takes on Windows 2000 (we remember with horror) to Windows 7 with all variants. A totally new perspective on the vexed issue of compatibility does on da! Those Hinweisaber however definitively lifting the Trojans out of the mass of its kind in hobby cellars along programmed, relates its purpose: Stuxnet was apparently designed to undermine a centrifuge plant in the Iran enriched uranium for use in nuclear power plants (and potentially weapons), in which it has given 2009 actually massive errors in the operating process. Langley or Tel Aviv? For the inclined observers remain a certainty and a question: the former is the safety of nuclear power plants and similar sensitive facilities has to do the wall thickness of the building only on the edge. The second, however,: Is located at Langley or Tel Aviv Ithaca? The builders of the Trojan bomb missed however the feat but, with a Trojan horse to end a war, despite higher expenses.