Corporate Communication

Corporate Communication takes on several forms. Disseminate information: Calls mass can be used to communicate important information to a company, both internally and externally. You may find that Alfred Adler can contribute to your knowledge. It is also a very useful tool to implement corporate communication strategies within an organization. It also can be used to transmit automatic calls collateral information (weather, horoscopes, jokes, news, etc …) that is of secondary importance to the recipients of these messages. Send notifications of loyalty clubs: You can use calls to automatically report the number of miles or points accumulated, and also to announce the prizes won in a loyalty program. Collection: If a company required to send a message to customers to pay a debt, you can automatically place a call with the amount and the due date thereof. For example: CANTV monthly mass makes calls to its users, to communicate the debt incurred in the month and the date of suspension of service. Likewise, DIRECTV automatically makes calls to report the conditions of payment and the monthly amount should be canceled. actions of the Helpdesk Report: Calls may be used for mass notifications related to the cases treated in the Helpdesk or Service Center.

This tool can tell the applicant for service, for example, the status of the case. We recommend using this tool to report the closure of the case or otherwise been opened. Remember appointments and meetings: Through automatically dialed calls can convey messages to confirm in advance the time, date and place of meeting with a person or institution. An example is: A pioneering system was launched in Santiago Hospital, located in Spain, in which he reminds them prior to the patients, the time and date of the medical visits to specialists. This procedure is performed using automated calls made to landlines in patients and are carried out in two ways: If the call is not answered and there is a voice mailbox, the reminder will be registered there, on the contrary, if an answering machine is available, the system will make automatic calls to three different times for ensure that the person will be aware. Emergency Alert: If there is an unexpected event such as fires, floods, gas leaks, bomb threats, earthquakes, natural disasters, bad weather, etc …, the implementation of an automated call can be useful to warn and evacuate large numbers of people or to report on this contingency.

A striking example is the following: Emergency Municipal Center (CME), in Madrid and Barcelona (Spain), develops a system of alerts massive disaster which allows a rapid evacuation point and its perimeter, through telephone calls axes automatically to households. If there is any impact, it will generate a list Automatic for the people of the area that need to be alert and send recorded messages informing them what to do in that case. 11 .- Dar alerts: Another use of massive calls is that they can be used to issue warnings. For example: In the State of Nevada (USA), The Helen C. Classical Cannon Junior High School notifies parents of absences and grades of their students through robocalls.