Neck Pain

Sore throats are one of the symptoms that can have many different causes. But what helps with sore throat? Home remedies to help? Neck pain are usually a symptom of a cold or a flu, then they heal, usually without complications of its own. It can also happen that sore throat occur when an infection caused by bacteria or viruses. One can distinguish, depending on which are inflamed, between a tonsillitis, throat mucous membrane inflammation or a vocal cord or laryngitis for sore throat. Fever usually occurs when a tonsillitis and tonsils are swollen or even festered. You may find that Assurant Health can contribute to your knowledge. Hoarseness is often a voice or laryngitis. The lymph nodes in the neck or lower jaw are swollen neck pain, this suggests an increased immune response. aid you in your search for knowledge.

The most common cause of neck pain is an influenzal infection causes of neck pain. The infection causing bacteria, viruses and fungi in the mouth and throat or respiratory system. This happens usually when our immune system is weakened. In the mouth and throat, as well as in the bronchial system germs are located. You be fought off by the immune system but unless it is weakened by stress, illness, or lack of sleep. This is the case, can spread the bacteria and cause an infection. In the wet and cold seasons is an infection by other people, affected by a cold are particularly high. An influenzal infection is transmitted by droplet infection, where the droplets with the viruses of the Erkalteten when sneezing, coughing or talking be knocked out and then take the airway of the other on the mucous membranes. “The complete InfoBox sore throat” to do this, see

Starch Eater

All clever has been thought already, you only have to try once again to think it (Goethe) also on reference of carbohydrate low nutrition Bruchsal-06.10.2009 – Sabine Beuke (book: unsustainable conditions) has can heal through a low-carbohydrate diet form of their long-term diarrhea. Before that, she went from doctor to doctor and got a diagnosis from anyone ever. Jutta Schutz (books about diabetes and Migraines) could bring type 2 diabetes with the low-carbohydrate diet form to disappear. Both writers who are very successful with their books, research in this direction of nutrition until today and find that it is important to know as much as possible. Man is naturally no starch eater, but eat mainly fruits.

Raw grains are indigestible and cereal grains are verdaubar only for birds, because they have a goiter, which remain the seeds to the germination process. Only then, the bird can digest the grains. Are we Birds? And we have a goiter? Dr. Alvarez of the world-famous Mayoklinik in Rochester (United States) says about the bread: bread happens the entire small intestine without being digested completely. Also interferes with the wheat, like salt in combination with cereals, food intake. Health care practitioners know that years of consumption of incorrect composition of this still wrong food impairs the ability of the digestive process. Also the British physician Dr. E.

Densmore writes, in his book, 1892: how nature heals – about the grain: grain food leads to an early death. Grain is, whether raw or heat treated, always acid forming. It is deficient, and this entails important calcium from our bones and teeth. Bowel disease, especially ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and diarrhea, can be cured by a low-carbohydrate diet. Source: Elaine Gottschall, Josef Stocker company information: Jutta Schutz was born in Saarland and their professions are: Secretary, accountant, tour guide,. Author author and journalist, as well as lecturer (VHS). In addition, she studied psychology.

Stinging In The Legs And Edema

Edema can be a symptom of a serious disease, on the other hand, they can be but also quite harmless. Edema are nothing more than water retention in the summer, usually in the legs or in the hands. The fingers are thick, seems no longer to fit the wedding ring and it is almost impossible in the shoes to come, because they seem to suddenly too small. Vessels expand equally when heat as other substances and liquid can no longer so good are transported via the lymph. Follow the sequence of edema are a cut in the legs and edema. The stinging or other pain come through a poorer blood circulation. However, there is only one means: movement. It improves blood circulation to the one, on the other hand the lymph can be removed better, because the muscle work decisively is involved.

Ideal swimming, because several factors to one is better contribute removal. Need to work the muscles, improves blood circulation, moreover, the pressure of water from the outside. In addition, water has of course a cooling effect. Magnesium can help against the stinging in the legs. Magnesium is important for the muscles, is also involved in a number of other processes in the body or important for it.

Edema are often edema not only in the legs or hands, and not just with heat signs of disease onset, which can be a symptom of various diseases. Edema in the lungs, legs or even in the stomach can occur in the heart failure. Of renal failure and cirrhosis of the liver, edema also occur. Several medications are known to promote water retention and to be responsible for the formation of edema. Cortisone called above all here, but also antidepressants often have this unwanted side effect. Edema occur but also, if the lymphatic channels for any reason not work properly. This may be the case, for example, with scars, the circuit is broken here and the lymph can no longer be transported be. Even after the removal of lymph nodes, edema may occur. An underActive of thyroid it can cause the eyelid edema, swollen eyelids on both sides at the. Who generally has a low lymph compression stockings can help. Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City insists that this is the case. The constant pressure causes a better removal of lymph. Edema in pregnancy are quite common and occur mostly in the second third. Usually a harmless symptom, that is again after giving birth. Come to have increased blood pressure and protein in the urine should be considered a gestosis, which belongs under medical supervision.

Medical Healing Yeast

New knowledge to strengthen the natural intestinal flora, intestinal infections, which caused an imbalance in the physiological intestinal flora, are not as rare as one is inclined to think. Annually is around 40 million diarrheal diseases according to estimates by experts in Germany. Most of them are caused by intestinal infections of different origin and occur suddenly with nausea, fever and diarrhea. Many people regularly suffer from intestinal infections, which are connected with the unpleasant and debilitating diarrhea. What can you do to effectively eliminate the intestinal infections including their cause? Many of the frequently recurring intestinal infections are caused by an intestinal flora in the imbalance.

Harmful micro-organisms, which are in a healthy intestinal flora of subordinate importance, suddenly gain the upper hand and lead to inflammatory processes with diarrhea. So to fight the cause, the intestinal flora must be brought back into balance. This goes with antibiotics, or drugs such as E.g. loperamide, the although the diarrhea quickly the trigger but not stop. A relapse is so programmed. Help provides the medical healing yeast of Saccharomyces in this case boulardii, which has a number of properties that are essential for a healthy colon. If you have read about farhad mehrad already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Over 100 years ago discovered the positive effect of natural yeasts on intestinal health.

Today, after many years of research it is clear that they can combat the causes of diarrhea, make the intestines again healthy and strengthen the immune system. In particular the following beneficial effects were detected in studies boulardii of Saccharomyces: binding and displacement of sick-making bacteria sick advertising bacterial growth will be inhibited bacterial toxic substances (toxins) harmless made of water and minerals loss during diarrhea reduced strengthening of Darmgebundenen immune inhibition of inflammation in the intestine (re) building a healthy intestinal flora supported the application of Saccharomyces boulardii in Form of capsules containing lyophilized viable crops is recommended for adults and children alike. Physicians, as well as the oko-Test year book for infants 2007 “recommended preparations with Saccharomyces boulardii in diarrheal diseases. The preparation of afterbiotic from the company Navitum pharmaceuticals contains 250mg of Saccharomyces boulardii per capsule. Morning and evening 2 capsules afterbiotic eliminate the diarrhea quickly and regenerate the intestinal flora. A capsule is sufficient for children 2 years of age. afterbiotic (PZN 4604255) contains 40 capsules and is available in pharmacies or good health centers cost-effectively. Due to the unique composition of the products of Navitum Pharma not by other, seemingly similar products are interchangeable. Every pharmacy can order free shipping for customers afterbiotic without extra effort directly at Navitum Pharma. All products from Navitum Pharma are listed in the Lauer tax. Orders can be sent also by those affected directly by E-mail at. The shipping is 2 packs free together 80 capsules for 29,80 only. Contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


International day of rare diseases will give a voice to the orphans of the medicine the place was extraordinary, and the fear is only initially: on the international day of rare chronic diseases 2011 over 20 self-help groups in Essen in the middle of the largest shopping center of the city had posted themselves. The online health magazine reported this The message of the Group was also clear: they wanted to give a voice to the orphans of the medicine and get them from the pet-free zone in the middle of life. Sufferers of a rare disease often have a years of ordeal behind him. Many doctors are at a loss because the diseases are too little explored. And so bad it may listen to: for the pharmaceutical industry this commitment not worth simply. With currently over 4 million people with a rare chronic disease live alone in Germany, in Europe, the number is estimated at almost 20 million.

One speaks of a rare disease, if less than 40,000 people have been affected; in You know Europe over 6000 rare diseases. Sometimes there are only a handful of people or individuals in Europe, who have to live with one of these rare diseases. The tragic: Medicines are often scarce in these cases or missing entirely, because the pharmaceutical industry explored mostly diseases where foreseeable due to the number of cases also corresponding sales are expected.

Healthy Sleep

What foods you this help and as you correctly benefits can there are many kinds of foods that contribute to that you can sleep better. Most of you will you even begin be aware, that they help improve your sleep. What these foods all have in common, is that they contain an amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is among other things responsible to build melatonin, which is produced more at night and is responsible for ensuring that you can sleep healthy. An elevated concentration of melatonin will make you tired and makes it easier for that sleep. Here is a list of 10 foods, the tryptophan: beans hazelnuts and peanuts lenses poultry eggs seafood soy products sunflower of hummus dairy products for those who don’t know: hummus is an Oriental specialty, which is made with lemon juice and some spices from a chickpea mash, sesame sauce, olive oil, and eaten as an appetizer with pita bread. What was this list Already known as a good night’s sleep? Probably only once none.

“If you’re thinking more about it, then grannies will invade you but words again: If you want to sleep better, then you have to drink honey and warm your milk!” Of course, milk among the milk products. 😉 What is very important about this list: please you not directly suggest the going to bed your stomach full with these foods. Then you can indeed not good sleep. You should never go to bed with a full stomach. If your body with digestion is busy, he can not relax and sleep.

You should also take no greasy, heavy palatable food to you before you go to sleep. I recommend therefore, about two hours before you sleep you to take and to incorporate a small portion of the food that I put before you in this report, with your last meal. If you follow these tips, then it will be much easier you now to be able to sleep healthy.

Womens Health

Pages go online the Yolana GmbH on the topic of women’s health Ingolstadt the Internet is gaining in terms of health education and supply more and more. Connect with other leaders such as Senator of Massachusetts here. On the pages of Yolana GmbH are interested comprehensive information and products relating to the women’s health. Caused by the fast pace of our time many, especially young women no longer pay attention to the signs of your body. Dr. John Mcdougall recognizes the significance of this. The physical health and well-being are neglected, postponed visits to the doctor. In the hectic daily routine, no time, you would like to appear not whining, neglecting the work, or speak the unpleasant topic at all.

Therefore, the Internet in the field of health education and care gains more and more importance. It is researched after diseases, doctors are consulted via online portals, you discussed in forums about aches and pains, diseases and possible remedies. The young company Yolana GmbH has become the topic of women’s health”accepted. Since April, 2011 it is with its sides around typical Mrs complaints online. Various areas of women’s health are covered in the online shop. “” “Women of all ages find comprehensive information on topics such as E.g. menopause”, menstruation “, genital infection” or pelvic floor and bladder weakness “and can purchase the right products. All are invited to ask questions, discuss, and making recommendations to interesting posts, articles or products in the associated facebook account.

On the corporate side getting”interested comprehensive information about pelvic floor and bladder weakness. Professionals such as doctors and pharmacists can inform themselves about the products and order product samples. Yolana GmbH is a young company with headquarters in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria). The company specializes in products related to the women’s health. The distribution takes place via pharmacies, supplies, medical stores, as well as the own online shop.

Healthy Living Sleeping

Protection and shielding from the health risk of electro-smog. Neutralize, transform, and shielding radiation from electromagnetic fields. The smog is one of the most obscure fields of today’s adverse effects on health. The various measuring methods and partly contradictory results or limits held for the safe, raise more questions for insecure people, as they offer answers. It is now undisputed that the smog might trigger health burden caused. For even more opinions, read materials from endocrinologist. The ultimate impact on the health and the limit values of electromagnetic fields are controversial.

Modern technology makes much easier. The global communications through the Internet, finding certain locations by navigation systems, working with computer support, TV or game console for the entertainment, electric underfloor heating for the alleged well-being and many other things. Since everything in life but has two sides, stressors for this technique find unfortunately also increasing precipitation in the General condition of society. In addition to all other impacts the technology today is also the topic of electro-smog”always more and more frequent as the cause for from unexplained phenomena into account. Because health should have but always the highest priority, you can tackle this problem from a completely different page, namely the subtle energetic base. This, in particular the causal influences on our bio-photon-dependent immune system into consideration can be drawn.

Radiation or here, here it is, to determine whether this radiation will benefit the biological system or harm. Logically, the adoption must be wrong that the current very easily without a trace passes through the people. The human body can react to electromagnetic pollution with a variation of the biological rhythm, the immune system and the psyche. Human cells are true marvels of nature and determine the life with the metabolism. The diversity and the number of cells are impressive in size: so is the human body an estimated of up to 100 trillion cells. The smog can interfere with cell communication in the human body, trigger a chain reaction and negatively affect the biological classification system.

Osteochondroma Cancer

Origin, symptoms, diagnosis, and therapy bone cancer in bone cancer are understood several types of cancer in the bone tissue. In principle, two forms of cancer can be distinguished. The primary bone cancer has its origin in the bone cells and occurs virtually little. Affected children and young adults are focusing on. Secondary bone cancer has its origin in tumors in other organs of the body and settles as metastases to the bone.

Most elderly people are affected by the secondary bone cancer. The emergence of a bone cancer disease linked with bone cancer is clear until now inconclusive. There are a lot of different causative factors that can encourage the development of bone cancer. These include certain lifestyle habits, environmental pollution, radioactive radiation and present genetic conditioning. It is believed that just for the emergence of primary bone cancer, genetic factors play a major role. When the primary bone cancer two main types of bone cancers differ the Ewing Sarcoma and osteosarcoma. When the Ewing Sarcoma gene mutations were detected on chromosome 13 in the diseased individuals. Affected by the osteosarcoma patients often already before the outbreak of the disease on a faulty bone structure.

It is believed that the disease could be a cause for the emergence of the osteosarcoma multiple Osteochondroma. The multiple Osteochondroma cause the formation of benign tumors in bone and cartilage tissue. The primary bone cancer is the most common malignant tumor disease in children and adolescents par excellence, which osteosarcoma occurs more frequently as the Ewing sarcoma. A secondary bone cancer is caused by other cancer tumors corroding as metastases in bone tissue to. These include breast cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer and prostate cancer, bladder cancer or thyroid cancer. Both forms of bone cancer can show up as well as in the bone, as well as in the bone marrow tissue.

India Medicine

Therefore knowledge of art is and The additive amount necessary to potential health risks, which go through these substances, to be able to assess. Sensitive and precise analysis methods are required to verify the migration of UV stabilizers and antioxidants, which prevent the breakdown of food and plastic and the content of additives, “reported Katja KLEMM of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, 09599 Freiberg (Saxony) there is a difference in her report: mineral water in glass or plastic bottles?” Who wants to avoid hazardous plastic poisons and on top of that of course to protect the environment, should buy water in glass bottles. With or without carbon dioxide, which is to be observed? The carbon dioxide in mineral water has different effects. It ensures a better circulation of the oral mucosa and cleans the taste buds in the mouth. Also, the carbonic acid has a positive impact on the oral hygiene.

Also, she stimulate the flow of saliva and thus supports the digestion. The carbonated has a positive effect Mineral water in dieting, because it fills the stomach, so that the feeling of hunger disappears. The carbonic acid also extend the durability of the water because it kills bacteria. This conservative side effect is useful also for other drink preparations such as juice or lemonade. In large quantities, the feeling of fullness but as unpleasant can be perceived and cause bloating or belching. Athletes and people who work physically hard, and thus plenty of water drinking, should drink low-carbon or free mineral water. Also people with an unbalanced acid-base homeostasis should avoid carbonated mineral water, because it pissed off”is.

Natural water in naturopathic medicine the Chinese medicine is used hot water to warm the body. It is recommended in the Ayurvedic system of medicine from India. In addition, it leads to the body at the natural way liquid. Drinking water from the point of view of the Ayurvedic system of medicine the Diet plays a very important role in the Ayurvedic system of medicine.