Healing And Rejuvenating

If you are tired after a hard day's work – this is normal. But when the night's rest does not restore power, it is a problem: either your diet does not give the body what is needed, or, alternatively, the body is overloaded with unnecessary chemicals. In either case, the wheat germ to help restore the imbalance. Think about it: a tiny grain carries a force that can push to light green sprout and provide it with power, until the root is formed! How, then, it has a perfect complex to give life to the heavy ears of corn! But to these substances come in "working condition", a grain must "wake up". Therefore, you should know: Your health – the main thing! Healing properties of cereal seedlings are known from antiquity. Residents of China have used them as food for another 3000 years BC.

About this unique dietary product known and Slavs: "All the interior reinforces the strength and bodily states." Cereal seedlings were saving them from beriberi after meager winter diet. Dried to a so-called malt rye, oats and other cereals used for making a refreshing and rejuvenating kvass. Today expanded the scope of food applications of cereal seedlings, experts are rightly considered them a unique source of essential amino acids, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. In many countries it has become very popular Regular consumption of whole grain sprouted wheat, rye, corn, peas, soybeans, etc., as well as cooked without heat in the form of flakes. They normalize the metabolism and the blood, improves function gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, with their help the immune system, faster and better processes occur cleanse the body. .

Healing Properties Of Honey

A man like ambrosia taste of rye bread, mixed with honey. The healing quality pollen quality are significantly higher than normal pollen grains and pollen. Med.V history of every nation can find information about the therapeutic and prophylactic use of honey. In Egypt, 3500 years ago in the Book of the preparation of medicines for all parts of the (human) body, there are many recipes, which include honey. Harvard has compatible beliefs. In ancient Chinese manuscript, "Description of plants and herbs fertility god" honey provided this description: "Honey heals internal organs, gives strength, reduces fever, long-term use increases it will, gives ease the body, retains his youth, extending the years of life." In the old Indian "book of life" says that extend human life can only elixirs and diet including honey and milk. And in his book "The drink of immortality," there is evidence that honey is part of the most powerful firming body means.

Hindu honey used as an antidote to intoxication of any kind. On the high healing properties of honey in his writings, wrote the ancient philosophers and physicians of Rome and Greece (Pythagoras, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Homer, Galen). The philosopher Democritus believed that honey has anti-aging properties. In ancient Iran ("The canon of the Avesta"), a doctor recommended to use the means of animal origin: liver, gall and honey, wax. Avicenna in his book "The Canon of Medicine" results in dozens of recipes, which included honey and wax, people older than 45 years, he recommended the systematic use of honey and walnuts. In the Middle Ages, honey is also widely used in medical therapy, to treat wounds. In the XII century the first Russian woman vrachevatelnitsa Evpraksinya, granddaughter of Vladimir Monomakh, in his book "Alimma" (ointment) causes a variety of recipes, which include honey. Honey as a healing product has not lost its importance in later centuries, and even in our days.

It is widely used in folk medicine, it is absolutely recognized as official medicine throughout the world. Honey has earned fame universal energy product and the remarkable pharmacological means. It has tonic, tonic, antimicrobial, antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, sedative properties. more details can be found here

Honey And Bee Products. Treatment With Honey And Interesting Facts

Honey is a very strange object in the words of Winnie the Pooh. But we all know that honey is not only strange, but extremely useful product, perhaps, why the world-famous teddy bear emits an incredible optimism and bursting with excellent health. Honey is the primary product of beekeeping, which gives us an apiary, but by no means the only one. Bee products is also propolis, bee royal milk, pollen, pollen, beeswax and bee venom. And each of these bee products is effective in treating many different diseases.

Everyone knows that honey is extremely effective in treating colds and as a therapeutic tool for recovery disease. But few know that the bee products is almost a panacea for all ills. Bee products are effective in the treatment of cancer, liver, kidney, eye, stomach, intestine, nervous system, blood diseases, skin diseases and cardiovascular diseases, infertility, metabolic diseases, and even against radiation. Truly unique natural honey is a miracle! But there is a honey that's the supernatural, inexplicable! You can imagine that when feeding bee larvae royal milk it for just five days, increasing to 1,600 times! Few people know that it is also toxic (or drunk) honey that bees collect from poisonous to humans plants and can cause nausea, headaches, darkening of the eyes – symptoms typical of extreme intoxication. But the most curious that the honey collected from such dangerous for human health of plants like henbane, hemlock, wild rosemary, foxglove, tobacco, tobacco is totally harmless to humans.

And here's another interesting facts about propolis. A distinctive feature of propolis from other bee products – to save all the useful properties even after long heat treatment. And if suddenly a rodent penetrate into the hive, the bee propolis mummified animal unreasonable in their hive, preventing decomposition. Bees are probably the most unique and useful for human animals on the planet. And even that is now known to mankind about bees and honey – just a small fraction of the amazing discoveries that await us in the future.

Small Energy Mystery

It's no secret to the fact that each of us in our lives is faced with a condition where the vital energy is in decline and no matter what do not have enough forces. What causes the loss of energy and how to get their new power? Than You can recover depleted energy? These questions, we give an answer, revealing little "energy" mystery man. What keeps our energy Firstly it is a healthy, useful, rich in vitamins and micronutrient nutrition. You've probably noticed that after a delicious to eat, you immediately increase the mood. So the council's number one – start your day with a delicious, light breakfast and your day will be more positively. Favorite work. Moderate physical and mental work conserve energy. Good music, good sleep and the light will give you new strength.

Charge energy Water Treatments (especially in open water). Daily walk (if you do not have enough free time, at least 15 minutes a day should be paid to walk in the fresh air). Small adventures. Best wishes and compliments from the fans give you strength and confidence in itself. Communication with the good and wise people always bring in your life a lot of useful. Communication with loved animals, caring for plants.

When you have a bad mood, shift your attention to your pet, watch out for its behavior. Soon you will forget about all the bad things. Laughter and humor – the best doctors. More often joking, by – more laugh. Learn a humorous take their problems, and your energy will always be on the rise. Energy taken smoked cigarette in the morning before taking breakfast. Smoking is "stealing" your vitamins, lack of which, in turn, adversely affects the condition of the whole organism. Bad friends who care only about their interests, constantly talk about their problems and never hear you. Frustration when every time the soul dies a little dream. Self-doubt and suspicion. Unloved work. Not properly chosen profession when it comes to do not their job. Dishonest employees, when you notice that you are deceived. Scandals. Meticulously and constantly dissatisfied with the authorities. Annoying neighbors. So in our life there is always someone or something that will help you spoil your mood and knock you off track. Learn how not to lock in bad. Most often, pay attention to all the good things, even if minor, but bright and pleasant moments in your life. Communicate, to the extent possible, with the people with whom you are nice and helpful to spend their time. Avoid envy, and negative attitude towards you people. Communication with them except for the problems you will fail. In short, do everything possible to accumulate positive energy, and in any case do not spend it in vain. Give your energy only for their benefit, then it comes back to you tenfold. Then you will always feel healthier and live longer in good and happiness.


Aqualift – improves electric surrounding tissues, normalizes microcirculation in the injection zone, having a positive charge attracts negatively charged soluble molecules of the extracellular matrix, collagen, elastin, fibroektin, glikozaminglikany. Aqualift – inert, does not enter into reaction with the early introduction of fillers, allows for multiple doses in one anatomical region with insufficient or phase correction. Aqualift – exhibits a weakly acidic properties, which is extremely hostile environment for settlement and development of pathogenic microbial flora. Aqualift – no irritation, does not cause any allergies or incompatibilities due to the lack of it initiators of immune responses. Aqualift – while in the tissues does not cause inflammatory reactions and is not moved from the area of administration. Aqualift – the introduction of large volumes in one anatomical region (150 – 200 ml.) Changes in form of fragmentation and the formation of coarse fibrous capsule is noted. Ingredients: 0.9% physiological solution of sodium chloride – 96-98% A synthetic polymer – 2-4% The use of small amounts of an implant is used in cosmetology. The gradual, slow biodegradation of the implant reduces the weight of the gel until it is complete resorption.

For these purposes, cosmetic line is available in syringes for product 1-2-3-4 ml. a) Wrinkles Wrinkles forehead creases between the eyebrows anger Wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet) Wrinkles of the eyelids Nasolabial folds Wrinkles around the lips Cheek wrinkles Folds bitterness in the corners of his lips on my lips wrinkles Wrinkles Wrinkles on the neck in neckline b) Volumetric filling of the following zones under the eyes Cavity sunken cheeks To increase the cheekbones to give the bulk lips Align the oval face folds on the chin Very bony hand Knees One of the latest achievements of the beauty industry is a technology Aquafilling, which is based on the use of implant material (filler) of a new generation Aqalift. Aqalift – physiological, biocompatible hydrogel, which in its properties and structure optimally corresponds to the internal environment of the human body, which virtually eliminates post-operative complications and adverse spillover effects. However, Aqalift shows unmatched and truly long-term (up to 5 years), the aesthetic result. Procedure Aquafilling low-traumatic, virtually painless. On the day of surgery or the next day, the patient returns to normal life. New opening in the plastic surgery can abandon the old approaches and make a new qualitative leap in medicine of the future!

Kursk Diabetes

So among the child population of Kursk region of the primary disability type 1 diabetes was 61.9%, and among re-recognized disabilities – 1 DM is 51.6% of all diseases of the endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders. In any case, this phenomenon requires further scientific development. Untreated or poorly controlled diabetes leads to early occurrence in patients with chronic diabetes complications, which are a major cause of disability. In this regard, the diagnostic search for long-term complications of diabetes is essential in all cases 2 diabetes and in patients with type 1 diabetes over 5 years. Analysis of the state disability for diabetes population of Kursk region has shown that this pathology is the frequency of disability in the 1st place in the class of endocrine , nutritional and metabolic disorders. A total disability rate for this pathology is the 4th ranked site, yielding only a disease of the circulatory system, malignant neoplasms and diseases kostnomyshechnoy system and connective tissue. In the Kursk region the main types of chronic complications of diabetes, leading to disability are retinopathy and intercurrent disease that develops against the background of the underlying disease and its aggravating flow (ischemic heart disease and heart failure as a complication of coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral angiopathy, diabetic neuropathy).

At the same time, in the countryside is dominated by people with disabilities from intercurrent disease (40%) and nephropathy (10%) then, as in urban areas – retinopathy (35%) and diabetic foot (25%). From the above It follows that in case of overt signs of complications caused by diabetes, leading to restriction of activity the patient must be timely referral to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU). The prevalence of disability, both primary and repeated, which became the cause of endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders (including diabetes), considerably greater than that for RF (Table 3). Table 3. The dynamics of disability caused by diseases of the endocrine system in the Kursk region of Russia and for 2005 – 2007 years (per 100 thousand population) nosology Kursk / Russia 2005 1 2006 2007 for the first time again for the first time again for the first time again endokr Diseases.