These are only some of the many things that descubriras in this exclusive course: Applications of Oils: As each essential oil must be applied so that he is but effective, and like combining to each other essential oils to obtain better results l$p. 74? As an accident with a dangerous substance I take to this chemical French to discover the beneficial and curative properties of essential oils l$p. 7? The reason of because they vary so much the prices of essential oils l$p. 9? What is one of the important factors but at the time of choosing that oil to buy and to use in different cases l$p. 9? Because you must have well-taken care of to buy oils reproduced synthetically in laboratory, and to only buy those that are pure 100% l$p. 11? Like obtaining pure to essential oils of high quality – page 24? Like avoiding to be deceived by companies that in label its products with I finish of aromatherapy but in fact they estan to you selling oils synthetic or perfumed l$p. 11? Forms of Essential Oil Use: Like preparing sprays, compressed, vaporizations, massages, enjuages, and more explained l$p. 69 step by step? The 2 ways of entrance of essential oils and as each way has only effects in the body – l$p. 15-18? The oil that can move to the majority of disinfectants of the medicine kits by its ingualables healing properties, antiseptic, antiviral and antimicoticas – l$p. 68? The oil that was verified in Europe with aromatogramas like but effective against estafilococo aureus (cause of pneumonia and other infections); even more than penicillin and the streptomycine pag, 20? The oil that works like an excellent tranquilizer and sedative, and that improves the state of intention due to its positive action on the nervous system l$p.