Turtles In Captivity

For keeping turtles in captivity, there are special rules. They developed a Doctor of Vasiliev. For land and freshwater turtles rules are different. Here are some tips for tortoises. Turtle terrarium is required in which included a swimming pool, heating, feeding and shelter. Bowl suitable aquarium with a volume of 100 liters per turtle length 12.7 inches.

The aquarium should be 6.4 inches thick soil; best river gravel or a mixture of sifted earth with rounded pebbles. Swimming pool – boat, fotokyuveta – must hold a turtle whole, and be convenient for its self out after the 'bathing'. Heating – bulb (100 watts per stolitrovy pool) under the 'sun' should be 31-35 degrees in the opposite corner, 'the cold' – 24-26 degrees. Enough to heat the turtle 3:00 in the morning and the same evening. For 'house' will come down half a pot, cut lengthwise. The turtle should climb back entirely. Feeder should be kept clean and food fresh. Young bug needed 2-3 times a week, warm baths: bug placed in a tilted bowl with water (temperatures 29-32 degrees) so that to the back of the shell was completely immersed in water, but water does not touch your chin.

Leave for 1-6 hours. The main thing is that water does not cool down, otherwise the turtle sick. Adult turtles better every day, spray with warm water from the spray, but so that the soil remains dry. Glenn Dubin, New York City is often quoted on this topic. The turtle should be hungry, it will save her from the disease, and you from the hassle, so the adults are fed 2-3 times a week, and turtles up to a year – every day, but do not leave food in terrarium for longer than 2 hours.