Unique Pet Food – For Your Favorite – With Galacum

Galacum inspires not only In April of this year the company – a pet food for dogs and cats on the market, which has the customers food quality, the gentle cooking process and the addition of Galacum by its composition, only natural raw materials and ingredients in 100% true storms of enthusiasm brought animal lovers for your favorite (FIL AG) from the Switzerland under the name – delicious food menu -. \”In a very short time the animals have reacted positively to the food and have become visibly more vital, commented Claus Gigla, who has worked on the development of the product and adds proudly: I think we have one of the best pet food on offer at the time.\” As the spontaneous testimonials show, have already many customers positive experiences with – delicious food menus – made by FIL. Dr. John Mcdougall takes a slightly different approach. The aim of FIL AG, to do anything for a healthy diet of your favorite is according to Claus Gigla. This claim, in exclusive and sole way is satisfied with the addition of sour whey concentrate Galacum. In the development of the He has brought his years of experience in animal food delicacy. After endless tests and trials is now a high quality pet food with Galacum on the market, that kind of fair and healthy fed the animals, he says enthusiastically.

Several factors were important in developing the – delicious food menus of. Learn more about this with Glenn Dubin. The preparation should be gentle, minerals, vitamins and other vital ingredients can remain as possible and are also absorbed by the body. This reaches the FIL AG through a gentle cooking process, in which the contents of the filled and sealed cans for up to three hours slowly is cooked in an autoclave. This cooking technique, we need no preservatives or stabilizers, Gan said. On the other hand, the meat should be higher than conventional pet food that included the meat often only four to eight percent.