Severe anxiety disorders They include obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), disorder of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks and social phobias. These conditions affect only a small minority of patients with anxiety, and fortunately, react very well to treatment after medical diagnosis. If you think you might have a severe anxiety disorder, please contact your healthcare provider immediately. Approaches that include or are combined with treatments such as therapy cognitive-behavioral (e.g., exposure therapy), specific supplements or medicines are proving to be very effective. Mild to moderate anxiety disorder anxiety generalized (GAD) is much wider, but more difficult to diagnose, as severe anxiety disorders. This is more common than ever widespread stress among women today.
The TAG is characterized by compulsive concern and anxiety physical symptoms that persist for more than six months. While anxiety may be debilitating, mild to moderate symptoms, not obviously affect the ability of women to operate. In fact, it is often women’s high performance which suffers from chronic anxiety, though it may be difficult for her to admit it. Even women who rarely feel anxious during youth can develop anxiety and panic attacks to enter into perimenopause and experience hormonal changes. This is a wake-up call to change his life. Symptoms of anxiety symptoms of generalized anxiety and panic attacks can include fear or irrational fear of muscle Tension, headaches, jaw tightening, clenching teeth insomnia, restlessness, nervousness, fatigue feeling of choking, nausea, diarrhea, heartburn, IBS pain or pressure in the chest, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, palpitations, nervousness, irritability, itching, trembling, sweating, sudden changes in body temperature, hot flashes Crying, depression (two-thirds of people with anxiety disorders also suffer from depression at some point in their lives) (* Note: in some cases, these symptoms can also indicate hyperthyroidism, so be sure to ask your health care provider to rule out this problem if you have the above symptoms.) Original author and source of the article