
To focus your heart in God, you can soothe the thoughts and contemplate the wonder of all creation and your drive with her. Breathe deeply, make yourself comfortable and gradually release the concerns of the day. Your sole purpose at this time is to feel the tranquility of the prayer and keep these words in your heart: Dear God, I wake up your spirit in me, and I see your active presence in all creation. God, the moments that happened in communion with you are truly a blessing. During these times, I open my mind and heart and armonizo me with thy spirit of peace in me. Increasingly recognizing your spirit of peace, a new sense of tranquillity fills me.

I am aware of the serenity of your inhabitant presence, holding and supporting me always. Nothing disturbs the peace of my soul when step time in silent prayer with you guiding light of God surrounds me. Dear God, in the same way that the Sun’s warm rays embrace the Earth, your spirit of love she hugs me. During this sacred time, find peace in it, and I feel the security that your wisdom I illuminates me calms me guide. To feel the warmth of your light, I wake up in mind and spirit. I open my mind to your wisdom and the response that you revelaras me at the appropriate time.

I give all concern, Dear God, conscious of me you gently guides toward wonderful experiences that I meet. I keep calm and have confidence, knowing all that I keep in my heart is under your care and everything is fine to share with you in the silence of prayer the healing spirit of God in me restored my energy and vitality. To keep praying, calms my mind, my body relaxes, my heart is filled with the joy of knowing that your spirit, God, is active in me.