These colors previously described, by way of example, would represent the basic colors, depending on their shades, brightness or darkness, which are positive or negative. Modify the color of the Aura at will but just like the colors of the aura influencing character and emotional state of the subject, the person can also influence the color of the aura, in order to achieve a certain improvement in your physical, psychic or spiritual aspect. How can a certain color of the aura I modify? This will be done only on a temporary basis, the time in which the aura can be modified, will depend on the energy quality who holds the subject, as well as if there is a great variation of the chosen color, with the natural color of the aura that the person possesses. In any case, estimated time of such processing, be between half and one hour. For altering the color of the aura, you will be entering a State of total relaxation, and then closing the eyes, keep attention directed to our interior, showing the color of the aura that you want to project. This situation will continue for a sufficient time to feel imbued by the chosen color, and which normally lasts for five minutes. In order to know the characteristics of the colors, in order to achieve the desired objectives, below is a summary of the basic colors. Thus have to use color: Red: If what we want is to download tensions.
Also for charging power. Filed under: Dr Alan Mendelsohn. Yellow: If what we want is to promote creativity, and the ability to reason. Green: If what you want is peace and tranquility. Ideal for connecting with nature. Blue: If what you want is to enhance spiritual experiences. Indigo: If what you want is to promote the mental faculties. Violet: If what you want is to enhance the powers of healing and spirituality.