Regulation 1083/2006, defines the framing structure where the cohesion politics has of if defining in the strategical premises in the growth, competitiveness job. It has to have definite, also, the objectives so that the Deep ones must contribute. The criteria defined for eligibility of State-Member in the deep ones. The Regulation approaches, specifically, the distribution of the financial resources and the criteria for its availability to beneficiary State-Member. The responsibility for the management of the disponibilizado sum to State-Member is shared with the European Commission (institucional agency of the European Union). Regulation created three structural objects to the deep ones, that they are the structural objectives of Convergence, Regional Competitiveness and Job and European Territorial Cooperation. – CONVERGENCE: ' ' The objective of the Convergence, destines to less speed up it the convergence of the regions State-Member developed by means of improvements of the growth conditions and job, enclosing related State-Member and regions.
The domnios of action will be the physical and human capital, the innovation, the society of knowledge, the adaptability to the changes, the environment and the effectiveness administrativa' '. – REGIONAL COMPETITIVENESS AND JOB: ' ' The objective of the Regional Competitiveness and Job, destines to strengthen it the competitiveness, the job and the capacity of attraction of the regions that are not favored regions less. It must allow to anticipate the economic and social changes, to promote the innovation, the enterprise spirit, the protection of the environment, the accessibility, the adaptability and the development of markets of the work inclusivos' '. – EUROPEAN TERRITORIAL COOPERATION: ' ' The objective of the European Territorial Cooperation, destines to strengthen it the cooperation to the levels transfronteirio, transnational and interregional, on the basis of the old communitarian initiative. It intends to promote common solutions for neighboring authorities, in the domnios of the urban, agricultural and coastal development, as well as the development of the economic relations and the linking in average small net of the companies (PME).