Temperature Frequency

Yet, until these studies are incomplete. But it is certain that, if only theoretically used, for example, the frequency of 1 MHz and intensity of the ultrasound beam on a single zone, equal to more than 30 V / cm square. (A higher power, because according to current standards denotes the limit of equal to 3 V / cm-sq.) Would be recorded rapid growth of many micro-bubbles, which in a few microseconds would have provoked the strongest implosion: as a result, would significantly increase the temperature and pressure at the surface smaller than the first one square millimeter, with the expansion of nearby cells and tissues. Another well-known parameter, it is a constant threshold cavitation in water, which is equal to about 100 mW/cm2, whereas the threshold unstable cavitation in water is 1 W/cm2. The latter threshold is directly proportional to the dispersion of gas in a liquid medium, temperature and viscosity of the fluid itself (this means you need to slightly increase the power handling of live tissues and biological fluids). Many writers such as Albert Bandura offer more in-depth analysis. ‘ll Make it a concrete example. When is the echographic study during pregnancy, the fetus is in amniotic fluid, so power should be below 100 mW/cm2 precisely in order to avoid the effects of cavitation.

And, conversely, to obtain this effect it is necessary to resort to power above the designated threshold (1 W/cm2) and low frequency from 0,02 – 0,03 MHz, but not to exceed a threshold of 0.03 MHz, which is a conditional limit the use of ultrasounds in aesthetic medicine. In conclusion, it should be noted that only the anatomy of the human body is able to give a complete picture of the location of the arteries and veins, glands and internal organs, which may be inadvertently affected by the low-frequency ultrasound. Important as the location and depth of cellulite and fatty deposits. These are the main parameters that determine the choice of intensity used during a session of power and frequency. In reality, namely power and frequency are usually a criteria by which to evaluate existing equipment on the market, while not forgetting about such parameters such as: type and size of single or complex handles, especially emitted ultrasounds, possible presence of a source of local cooling, an influence on the thermal effect of ultrasound.

Flat Stomach

You want to have a beautiful flat stomach protruding return? Then find out more about the most common myths and misconceptions that prevent you to get sexy and attractive press. Few people really understand how work the muscles in the abdomen and why we have growing belly. Frankly it is a complex system in which everything is important: the right training, proper rest (recovery), good nutrition. If you really want get a nice flat stomach, he saw that the surrounding die of envy – you need to choose a system that will help you with this. Learn about the myths that hinder you get a nice flat stomach.

Myth number 1 you need perform hundreds of approaches such as twisting exercises, to obtain the desired cubes on zhivote.Vypolnyaya boring and ineffective exercise you will never tighten your stomach. To get the result, "Fat Burning" should perform only those exercises that produce results without wasting and inefficient repetitions. From the training course "Secrets of a flat stomach" you can find out what exercises are most suitable for you. Myth number 2 just 799.98 rubles you can buy a miraculous Super Device (drug), which does all the work for you. (As opposed to Dr Alan Mendelsohn). And you do not need to do anything! "It would be nice if these devices are allowed at least half result of which they say "experts" from advertising and TV shopping. In reality, these devices do not excuse you from the fat. Instead, they effectively relieve you of money.

Same is true for "miracle super-drugs. " Myth number three you have to deal with every day that would get pretty press.Eto not true! In fact, all the professional techniques are oriented to the rejection of the boring repetitive exercises and the grueling daily workouts. Like any other muscles – abdominal muscles need to recover. Visible results can be obtained by making special exercises, even for a few minutes three times a week. Myth 4 What would be a beautiful and toned body – you need a lot of money and time for lessons in the fitness rooms with trenerom.Eto can be an excuse for lenivyh.Uprazhneniya can do at home without the use of the fitness zala.Vazhen comprehensive and systematic approach. PS If you are still far from perfect shape and would like to know how to get a nice flat stomach thoroughly recommend choosing the method of getting rid of the protruding abdomen developed professionals. This will save you time and money. Article Source: